
The HGCSA would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed time, expertise, and resources to develop and publish the HGCSA Hawai’i Handbook of Golf Course Maintenance Best Management Practices. Thank you to superintendents across the state who provided photo contributions.
Scott Main, CGCS, Director of Agronomy, Nanea Golf Club, Steering Committee Co-Chair
Gina Rizzi, President, Radius Sports Group, LLC., Steering Committee Co-Chair
Michael Atwood, Golf Course Superintendent, Wailea Golf Club
Luke Bennett, Golf Course Superintendent, Kohanaiki Golf Course
Zhiqiang Cheng, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Turgrass and Landscape Pest Management Lab, University of Hawaii Manoa
Les Jeremiah, Jr., CGCS, Golf Course Superintendent
Joseph Przygodzinski, Agronomy Manager, Kohanaiki Service Company, LLC.
Joseph Vittum, Golf Course Superintendent, The Club at Kukui'ula
Robert Chenet, Geologist, Survey Branch, State of Hawaii, Commission of Water Resources Management
Russell Dooge, CGCS, Executive Director, HGCSA
Darcey Iwashita, Polluted Runoff Control Program, Clean Water Branch, State of Hawai‘i Department of Health
David McLay Kidd, Golf Course Architect, President, DMK Golf Design, Inc.
Scott W. Nair, General Manager, Kukio Golf & Beach Club, Kukio Community Association
Seril Shimizu, Golf Course Superintendent, Manele Golf Course, Four Seasons Resort Lanai
Greg Takeshima, Environmental Health Specialist, Registration, Education & Certification Sections, Hawai’i Department of Agriculture, Pesticides Branch
Robert (Bob) Whittier, Hawaii Department of Health, Safe Drinking Water Branch, Hydrogeologist, University of Hawaii
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)
Since 1926, GCSAA has been the top professional association for the men and women who manage golf courses in the United States and worldwide. Based in Lawrence, Kansas, the association provides education, information, and representation to more than 17,000 members in more than 72 countries. GCSAA’s mission is to serve its members, advance their profession, and enhance the enjoyment, growth, and vitality of the game of golf.
Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG)
The EIFG fosters sustainability by providing funding for research grants, education programs, scholarships, and awareness of golf’s environmental efforts. Founded in 1955 as the GCSAA Scholarship & Research Fund for the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, the EIFG serves as the association’s philanthropic organization. The EIFG relies on support from many individuals and organizations to fund programs advancing stewardship on golf courses in the areas of research, scholarships, education, and advocacy. The results from these activities position golf courses as properly managed landscapes that contribute to the greater good of communities, benefit the game, and positively impact the environment for years to come.
The GCSAA and EIFG wish to thank the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, faculty, Dr. J. Bryan Unruh, Dr. Travis Shaddox, Dr. Jason Kruse, and Mr. Don Rainey, who worked on the core BMP initiative, providing knowledge and expertise; the USGA for their grant to help fund this important project; the volunteers who served on the initial task group; and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for permission to copy its publication, “Best Management Practices for the Enhancement of Environmental Quality on Florida Golf Courses” for use as a core template.
United States Golf Association (USGA)
The USGA provides governance for the game of golf, conducts the U.S. Open, U.S. Women’s Open and U.S. Senior Open, as well as 10 national amateur championships, two state team championships and international matches, and celebrates the history of the game of golf. The USGA establishes equipment standards, administers the Rules of Golf and Rules of Amateur Status, maintains the USGA Handicap System and Course Rating System, and is a foremost authority on research, development, and support of sustainable golf course management practices.
Radius Sports Group®
Radius is a sustainability consulting firm focused on connecting sustainability and sports. The firm drives environmental, social, and economic impact through engaging leaders of sports franchises, facilities, golf courses, management companies, industry suppliers, and governing bodies, to deliver revenue growth and reduce costs, while positively impacting society and the environment.
John Deere and Pacific Golf & Turf
John Deere is committed to the success of its customers whose work is linked to the land. The company takes its responsibility for safeguarding the environment seriously. John Deere offers products that are efficient and effective and minimize environmental impact. They also design, build, and support those products in offices, factories, and dealerships that are built and maintained with the environment in mind.
Mahalo to John Deere and Hawai’i Distributor, Pacific Golf & Turf, for generously supporting this important initiative.
DHR Construction, Inc.
Ness Turf Equipment
Southern Turf Hawaii
Water Controls
B. Hayman Co.
Pacific Pipe Co.
Big Island Mechanical & Construction